Tuesday, March 27, 2007

take your pick

sometimes you just need a word to fit the situation. or a few words.

here are a few. take your pick.

whiplash: the problem with whiplash is that you have this long, long buildup, and then this awful letdown when you realize that you won't get anything good out of the situation that gave you whiplash except for a sore neck and some incredibly cranky feelings. this track is the same way.

hit the lights: you just want to call it quits. some relationships aren't worth it. but you will ultimately feel, at some point, that your initial reaction to things was infantile, and you will second guess throwing in the towel. so, this song--just as childish as that prematurely ended relationship.

no remorse: this is how you should feel when you get out of 1) a bad relationship 2) a relationship that would have been bad if you had let it become a relationship 3) a sticky friendship with someone who likes you intensely and inexplicably and then just doesn't. this is what you feel, complete with hair-raising solo ten seconds in. when you feel this way about a recently past relationship, you exult. the solos always come ten seconds in when you feel like this--so on.

and, finally, the reason for it all: randall moves on.

so here's to words for situations. and here's to special k.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

I can't believe an actual tag for this post is "randall moves on."

you're a genius.