Friday, April 20, 2007


so because i knew the end of my last post, (rather recent, i know) drove you crazy wondering how those borders people could even ask such a stupid question, here is how they have outlined things, word for word. i quote:

Severus Snape: Friend or Foe?

Snape is a powerful and gifted wizard who possesses a ruthless and cunning wit, is rarely caught off guard by any comment or insult and often leaves his verbal combatants with little to say. His allegiances are a mystery however. Is he loyal to Dumbledore and a friend to Harry Potter? Or is Snape loyal to Voldemort, and a foe of Harry Potter?

Here's some questions we have about Snape

Snape is a Friend
1. In Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, why did Snape attempt to protect Harry from Professor Quirrell?

2. Why didn’t Snape go to the graveyard immediately upon being summoned by Voldemort in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire?

3. In Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, why did Snape alert the Order of the Phoenix that Harry was facing danger at the ministry?

4. In Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, why did Snape agree to teach Harry Occumency?

5. Dumbledore tells Harry he trusts Snape in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and again it is implied in Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. Would Dumbledore, the most powerful wizard of his time, misplace his trust in Snape?

6. Why does Snape spare Harry’s life in Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince?

Snape is a Foe
1. Beginning with Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Snape displays a dislike of Harry. Is a childhood grudge against his father reason enough to hate Harry or is it something more?

2. Why was Snape so set on expelling Harry from Hogwarts in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets?

3. In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, what were Snape and Karkaroff conspiring about?

4. Knowing the danger Harry faced, why did Snape continue to goad Sirius in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix?

5. In Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, what were Snape’s motives for his Unbreakable Vow with Narcissa?

6. And of course, there is the major question of Snape and Dumbledore in Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. We'll leave out the details for anyone that may not have yet read the books.

What do you think? Friend or foe?


so, nifty. but i'm not convinced. snape is still harry's enemy, no matter how you cut the cake.


editorgirl said...

maybe it's just that he's played by Alan Rickman (is that right? too lazy to look it up), but I've always had this perverse fondess for Snape. what if the answer is neither friend nor foe? intriguing. . . but I'm all about the Snape.

Barb: said...

How could you even ask the question "Is he loyal to Dumbledore and a friend to Harry Potter?" when he killed Dumbledore?