Tuesday, February 21, 2006

blogger can die

i can't load blog pages. it's a fact. i can create posts but i can't look at the actual blog itself. and what good is a blog unless you can bask in the vanity of something you created? so i say, blogger can die. or perhaps my computer. or the internet. or whatever unknown force allows me to look at any website but my blog. (or any other blog.) i will not give up my vanity, regardless of how hard something seems to be making me try. i still have my mirror.


Kristen said...

I did NOT get the memo that you have a new blog...
I would be upset were it not for the immense happiness I feel at reading your postings.

I am in okinawa for the occasion. Ihope you are well.  i request one honorary booty shake, if you would, please, on Tuesday.  

(damn these japanese keyboards!)

editorgirl said...

I didn't either. Feel rather abused for just finding it. Please post again? And call me. Because I lost your number and I want to talk.